The following criteria form the basis of how members of the HAZ Workgroup [and the Delivery Partner appointed to assist in the delivery] will assess and select the project put forward as part of the Cultural Programme established under the High Street Heritage Action Zone funded by Historic England.
The underlying objectives of the Cultural Programme are to invigorate the High Street as defined in the attached map, increase footfall into the High Street and town centre, generate positive PR, engage with as many of the various communities in Bedford Borough as possible, create where possible a lasting cultural presence within the town, to build capacity within the diverse cultural organisations within the Borough and to create an environment in which everyone enjoys living, working and visiting here.
Applications are sought from community groups and individuals with ideas or projects to help meet the above objectives.
If you feel that perhaps you do not have experience of making applications please contact Bedford Players Trust, who may direct you to a member of the Workgroup to provide the relevant assistance and every effort will be made to help you through the process. It must be clear though that if assistance is given, it will not necessarily mean that the application will be successful. For transparency reasons, the person giving the assistance will not be permitted to take part in the decision making.
Application is made by application form, outlining the project, costs & intended audience and which also answers the following questions
- Does the project fit any or all of the underlying objectives as set out above?
- Does the project raise the profile of the town, support local town centre businesses and the growth of the town centre through attracting footfall and potentially sales by extending dwell time and community connectivity?
- Have you delivered this kind of project before? If so, can you give brief details of the most recent.
- If not, what assurances can you give that the project will be delivered in accordance with the proposal?
- Can you supply two references of persons or organisations that know your work?
- How does the project connect with and/or reflect the diverse communities of Bedford?
- What is the anticipated reach of the project in terms of audience and participants?
- Are other organisations or individuals involved in delivering the project? If so, give details, and confirm if they have confirmed their commitment?
- What are the anticipated outcomes of the project and how is it proposed that they be measured?
- What is the overall budget for the project?
- Please state how much is being asked for from HAZ. If this is less than the full cost of the project, please state how the balance is to be raised or if it is already available.
- Have you given consideration of any environmental impact that the project might have and how such impact may be mitigated? If so, please give details.
- Do you see the project continuing beyond the HAZ funding? If so, give brief details.